About Me

About Me
Me and my son, Zephyr.

I’m an operations, strategy, and marketing leader with 12+ years of experience building and growing disruptive startups. As the 35th employee at Uber, I was fortunate to witness firsthand what it’s like to grow a company from an idea to a verb. And I was privileged to help lead the team at Wheel Health through exponential growth as the pandemic forced the world to reevaluate how we get the care we need.

I’m also a dad, husband, reader, traveler, cyclist, photographer, musician, and nerd. I love collaborating on interesting problems, tinkering with new tech, working with my hands, and scribbling in the margins of books from my ever-expanding antilibrary.

Today, I’m exploring new ideas and opportunities as I walk the fine line between showing up for my growing family and making my mark on the world. Above all, I’m doing my best to intentionally architect a meaningful, interesting life.

My family and I live in Austin, TX.