Happy Valentine's from the Priest Family! It’s been quite the year for our family, full of growth, adventure, and a whole lot of chaos (mostly the good kind!). I guess we just do Valentine’s Day notes instead of New Years notes, and we’re okay with that. :)
Happy Valentine’s Day from the Priests A Valentine’s Day family update from Alex, Miranda, Zephyr, Mystery Baby #2, and Digs the Dog. <3
Nesting As I've gotten older, I've realized how important my physical space is to my happiness, productivity, and... sanity. As we prepare for the birth of our second child, I'm embracing the "nesting" instinct in a new way.
New Year's Ease I began writing this essay instinctively thinking I failed all of my 2023 goals. Turns out I should give myself a little grace. Looking back at my goals for the year, I did shockingly well. I was just missing the ease.
Frozen Dream When I started writing these, I still had every intention of starting a company of my own. Now I’m considering two unexpected, incredible roles (and also looking at other companies I admire). This wasn’t the plan, but… it feels good?
Life is Life-y November was quite the month. We had adventure, death, illness, new opportunities, rescues, failures, memorials, construction, setbacks, holidays, laughter, games, generosity, anniversaries, surgeries, and recoveries.
Every Acorn is a Paw at the Door On Sunday night at 8:55pm, our family lost our best friend. Our protector. Our adventure buddy. Our toddler-cleaner-upper. Our squirrel chaser.